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Agudath Israel of America

Agudath Israel of America, founded in 1922 to serve as Orthodox Jewry’s umbrella organization, is the arm and voice of American Orthodox Jewry. With national and DC offices, and regional branches serving the entire country, Agudath Israel – also called Agudas Yisroel or the Agudah – advocates for its constituents at federal, state, and local levels. The Agudah and its many divisions provide social, educational, and youth services to its constituents, continuing a century-long tradition of championing the evolving needs of Orthodox Jewish life in America.   Since its inception, Agudath Israel of America has operated under the guidance and ongoing involvement of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America, the Council of Torah Sages. Agudath Israel of America is keenly attuned to the American Jewish community’s challenges and triumphs, and has helped our communities grow, thrive, and advance through changing times.   Our many divisions, branches, and activities include:   Agudah Legal – leverages our lawyers’ network and legal training to protect the collective and individual rights, and further the interests of, Orthodox Jews in America.   Agudah Convention – an annual gathering hosted by the Agudah to address contemporary issues and challenges and give direction for Orthodox Jewish life.   Agudath Israel World Organization (American Office) – represents Orthodox Jewish interests in the United Nations, in reparation and restitution for Holocaust survivors, the protection of Jewish sacred sites, and safeguarding Torah values.   Agudist Benevolent Society – is a burial society and free loan organization.   Bnos – unites school-age girls on the local and national levels through group events and programs such as Bnos Bikur Cholim, in which girls visit homebound senior citizens, and Bnos One-­on-­One, a big sister program for high school girls.   Chayim Aruchim – helps our community make culturally sensitive health care decisions according to Jewish law, and advocates for critically ill patients in hospitals and with lawmakers.   Conference of Shul Rabbonim/ Midwest Conference of Synagogue Rabbonim – organizes synagogue rabbis across the continent for consultation and for strengthening Torah values and practice.   Constituent Services – aids individuals in need of guidance, especially in the areas of social services and navigating government bureaucracy.   Daf Yomi Commission – supports Daf Yomi study and teaching and hosts the Global Siyum HaShas of Daf Yomi (see below).   Disaster Relief Fund – supplies much needed aid when disaster or tragedy strike Jewish communities around the world.   Employment, Education, and Training   COPE Education Services – provides culturally sensitive business and technical training in bookkeeping, accounting, and related fields, for the Orthodox community.   Agudath Israel’s Professional Career Services (PCS) – is a job placement and education organization. The education arm offers courses and degree programs in accounting, software and web development, real estate, property management, Amazon sales, online marketing, and IT and networking.   Jewish Education Program (JEP) – brings basic Judaic knowledge to children and adults.   Ki Heim Chayeinu – promotes Torah learning and values in the day-to-day life of the Orthodox Jew.   KnowUs – corrects the record about yeshiva education and the Hasidic & Orthodox Jewish communities.   Lefkowitz Leadership Initiative – encourages community involvement and leadership development for up-and-coming community activists in aid of the Orthodox community.   Masmidei HaSiyum – uses the Siyum HaShas celebration as an impetus for greater engagement in Torah studies for school-age boys.   Minchah Minyan Map – provides up-to-date minchah times and locations for the New York metropolitan area.   N’shei Agudath Israel – is Agudah’s women’s division, which publishes the annual Tehillim calendar and coordinates programs for women.   Pirchei – inspires and educates school-age boys with programming and positive role models.   Project LEARN – improves and increases special education services and funding through advocacy and by assisting parents to obtain services for their special-needs children.   Publications Department – publishes and distributes an array of resources produced by Agudath Israel.   SBCO – the Southern Brooklyn Community Organization provides housing for low- and moderate-income residents in Brooklyn neighborhoods.   Senior Citizens Programs – the Commission on Senior Citizens sponsors three centers that offer meals, social services, recreational activities, and cultural events for senior citizens.   Simchas Chava- is a musical visitation program for seriously ill children who are hospitalized or homebound.   Siyum HaShas – the Agudah hosts the global celebration of the completion of the Daf Yomi cycle every 7 ½ years.   Summer Camps – the Agudah family of camps serves thousands of children each summer with ten camps across North America.   The Fresh Start Program – is an employment readiness program for displaced homemakers who, due to changing family circumstances, require training to re-enter the workforce.   The National Orthodox Jewish Archives – is a unique repository of documents, publications and photographs relating to the history of Orthodox Jewry and Agudath Israel in the United States.   The Office of Public Affairs – ensures that the authentic Torah viewpoint is faithfully and fairly represented in the media.   The Overseas Passover Campaign – provides matzos and kosher for Pesach food to needy Jews in Russia and other countries.   Torah Projects Commission – leads the Agudah’s efforts in strengthening and spreading Torah learning.   Washington Office – our voice in the nation’s capital, the office advocates for security, religious liberty, legislation, and the welfare of the Orthodox Jewish community.   Yahalom- helps parents of special needs children obtain the appropriate resources by guiding, educating, and empowering them to ensure they have the help and support they need.   Yeshiva Services – liaises with government for, advocates on behalf of, and provides support to, Orthodox Jewish schools.   Zahav – Zahav aims to help seniors and their families, answer their questions, and guide them to ensure they are equipped with all the necessary information they need to access life-enhancing services and programs.   Zichron Kedoshim – memorializes the names of Jews who perished in the Holocaust.


Aleph Institute

The Aleph Institute serves individuals of all backgrounds and faiths. Our guiding factors are Torah principles based on acceptance of God as the Supreme Power and Creator of the universe and emphasizing the values of human dignity, thereby making the world a better place for all. All of Aleph’s services are provided at no charge.   The Aleph Institute, founded in 1981 at the express direction of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, provides crucial financial, emotional and spiritual assistance to thousands of shattered families – helping them persevere through extraordinary crises – while providing support for their loved ones in prison and mental institutions. Aleph’s benevolent mandate also encompasses spiritual assistance to thousands of soldiers in the United States Armed Forces across the globe.



Amudim is dedicated to serving community members in times of crisis. Founded on the pillars of kindness, compassion, and dignity, Amudim functions as a confidential resource center that provides meaningful assistance, enduring support, and direct referrals for individuals and families impacted by sexual abuse, neglect, and addiction, and other crisis-related matters.We foster change and growth, by raising awareness and implementing educational programs within our community. Amudim not only provides pillars of support, but also empowers others to become pillars of support.


Aur Torah

Our founders Mr. Max Mizrahi, Mr Lou Salem and Mr Walter Srour moved to Heartland Village in Staten Island from Brooklyn in the 70', they wanted to continue the Jewish Sephardic customs that they practice in Brooklyn. They relize that they have to start a Sephardic Minyan Synagogue in Staten Island.   They begun by praying in the basement of Mr Lou Salem and after about 2 years moved to a trailer by the Sprigville Jewish Center, in the High Holidays they rented a place from a Little Peoples World Daycare Center. After a year theymoved to a side apartment in Heartland Village during the High Holiday they used Mr Mark Cohen backyard to setup a tent for so more peopole can attended the services and the turnout was great since there were Israeli families moving into Heartland Village. In the year 2000 Mr. Max Mizrahi found the current location and we were able to purchase the property. Still we were using a tent in the backyard for few years. Now in our current location we are under the leadership of Rabbi Aharon Zeev growing spiritually and as our families are expanding more people joining our synagouge.


Bikur Cholim

Our division of Bikur Cholim ensures to support the individuals who are not financially equipped to provide care for themselves or for their family members. EzraOrg donates all net funds received from this cause to this particular purpose. We are glad to partner up with our donors and pray that Hashem sends a complete recovery to all who need it. 


Bnos Yaakov

The educational objective of Bnos Yaakov is to provide an enriched education for grades 9-12 that is based on academic excellence. While promoting the highest caliber of achievement, Bnos Yaakov focuses and directs its attention to the individual needs of each student. The Bnos Yaakov curriculum encompasses a diversified arena of subjects. Throughout our education, Bnos Yaakov strives to develop a Bas Yisrael who: Has self-confidence, maturity and conducts herself proudly as a Bas Melech Has gained a thorough, in-depth knowledge and appreciation of Limudei Kodesh Has internalized her Torah education and is focused on improving and refining her character Has developed a love for Chesed and giving and caring for others Has acquired a genuine enthusiasm for learning as well as core learning strategies and excellent thinking skills Has gained important work skills in diverse areas of study


Chai Lifeline

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAgW_h11yf0[/embed] Chai Lifeline is an international support network, providing social, emotional, and practical assistance to children, families, and communities impacted by medical crises and trauma through a variety of year-round programs and services.   To meet the social, emotional, and practical needs of children, families, and communities impacted by illness, trauma, or loss.   Chai Lifeline’s programs and services meet the unique emotional, social and financial needs of families living with serious illness or loss.   From the moment of diagnosis or trauma, Chai Lifeline’s professionals and trained, compassionate volunteers step in to help restore equilibrium and bring joy and hope back into lives devastated by illness and crises.   When the unthinkable happens, Chai Lifeline’s Crisis Services team is ready to respond. Chai Lifelines offers support for children, families, communities, schools, synagogues, and local organizations following an illness diagnosis, sudden death, terror attack, natural disaster, and all forms of trauma.   Crisis services include:24-hour / immediate supportClinical interventions   Virtual and onsite consultations and workshops with schools, synagogues, and community organizations Educational resources and presentations for community leaders, rabbis, educators, and parentsVolunteer training in your community Our paraprofessional volunteers are pre-screened and undergo rigorous training by leading experts, enabling them to respond immediately and effectively, with cultural sensitivity and respect. With hundreds of volunteers around the world, Chai Lifeline Crisis Services teams are ready to respond immediately as crises unfold.



[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGs1AUp3l-A[/embed] BackgroundEverything about Chazaq is unique. Let’s start at the beginning, when our founder, Yaniv Meirov at the tender age of 15 wrote and distributed weekly Torah newsletters. His brother, Rav Ilan noticed that Yaniv’s newsletter needed a big brother’s help so they joined hands in working together. Yaniv is a man of passion and he and his brother wanted to educate their community. The first lecture arranged was with a young dynamic speaker. Anticipating a crowd of 20, Yaniv and Rav Ilan were overjoyed as they welcomed over 500 people at their very first event, and Chazaq was born!   Our MissionFrom Children to teens, singles to couples, millennials to baby boomers and for our cherished seniors, Chazaq offers programming for all! One of Chazaq’s many missions is to offer after school programs for Jewish children in public schools and imbue them with the richness of their religious, historical, and cultural heritage with the hopes of helping them find a Yeshiva that fits their learning capabilities. Chazaq embraces each child with unconditional support and individualized attention helping each one reach his/her fullest potential. Chazaq’s mission is both a domestic and global effort, which puts a large emphasis on sparking the love of Torah through education in communities near and far.



COJECO (Council of Jewish Émigré Community Organizations) is the central hub of the Russian-speaking Jewish community in the New York tri-state area.   Mission: The COJECO mission is to convene and connect the Russian-speaking Jewish community through collaborative leadership, innovative engagement, Jewish education, capacity building, and preservation of heritage.   Vision: The COJECO vision is to create a cohesive, Jewishly engaged Russian-speaking Jewish community that honors its cultural heritage and is a co-builder of the future of the American Jewish community.   Since our founding, we have established ourselves as a trusted leader within the Russian-speaking Jewish community, having served a number of different roles.   *First, COJECO identifies methods for the successful integration of Russian-speaking Jews into the greater American Jewish community, while preserving the Russian Jewish population’s unique cultural heritage.   *Second, as the umbrella for Russian-speaking Jewish grassroots organizations in the New York City area, COJECO supports over thirty network organizations that provide widely-focused and culturally-appropriate programs and services for Russian-speaking Jews.   *Third, COJECO is a provider of highly-regarded direct programs for Russian-speaking Jews including B’nai Mitzvah missions to Israel, family retreats, leadership development programs, and informal Jewish education.   In addition, we have supported Jewish community-wide initiatives and are especially proud of our 2,000+ participants in the COJECO cluster of the New York City Celebrate Israel Parade every year.   COJECO brings to its mission a unique understanding of the lives of these many immigrants and their families who are so important to the future of the entire Jewish community.


Congregation Toras Emes

Congregation Toras Emes of Staten Island is a warm, friendly and vibrant modern orthodox synagogue provides exceptional and uplifting religious, social and educational programming and services to the South and East Shores of Staten Island and surrounding areas.   Our goal is to offer its “family” the opportunity and the ability to worship G-d in our sanctuary, to observe life-cycle events, to learn more about our heritage, to educate our children, and to practice the tenets of our faith.   With your help, Congregation Toras Emes of Staten Island can reach this goal and continue the work we’ve set out to do in this campaign. We have seen each other through some of our happiest moments. From barmitzvahs, to families growing, to our fully functional Pre-Schools, Hebrew Schools, and Sunday programs for the generalized and special needs populations, we have all been able to experience some true Ahavas Chinam (loving of one’s fellow Jew) in ways we could only haveimagined previously.


Daily Giving

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNjpNqYVd_8[/embed] Just as drips of water over millennia can carve out caves and canyons, one small mitzvah multiplied several times over can move mountains as well.   That’s the belief of Dr. Jonathan Donath, a chiropractor in White Plains, New York, who got an epiphany in 2018 while dropping a dollar bill into the tzedakah box at his shul. “No matter how much money I give to charity, I still get a mitzvah every time I drop a dollar in,” he thought. “How can I guarantee that I do this mitzvah every day for a buck?”   He looked for an organization that was doing this and couldn’t find one. So, he and a couple of his friends had a website built and created a nonprofit: dailygiving.org.   At Daily Giving, we firmly believe in the extraordinary power of small acts of generosity to bring about positive change. We are a platform that promotes a simple yet impactful concept: giving at least $1 every day of the year.   Dr. Jonathan Donath, a full-time chiropractor in White Plains, NY, founded Daily Giving in 2019. Since its inception, Daily Giving has achieved remarkable milestones by harnessing the collective power of Daily Givers— making significant differences in the lives of countless individuals and families around the globe.


Divine Information

Explore Jewish Spirituality, Connect with Your Heritage, and Transform Your Life. Join us for Inspiring Lectures, Events, and the Journey to Eternal Life.


Emet Outreach

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPj5RSFnYw4[/embed] Redefining Jewish Outreach...in Queens and beyond   EMET Outreach began in 2004 as a small local campus outreach program. It has evolved into a thriving, bustling organization with over 20 talented staff members, and a vast array of dynamic programming throughout Queens and beyond. Students stay connected throughout school, as young professionals, and after they get married and start families. EMET offers programs and classes for a wide range of age groups and levels. In addition to multiple beginner fellowship programs, there is an upper-level girls’ and boys’ division, and a couple’s division. Throughout the year, students enjoy a vast array of educational and inspirational programs and events: Programming on 8 local campuses 5 Fellowship programs for beginners Step-It-Up for higher-level girls Beit Medrash Program Lectures by popular and renowned experts on halacha, shalom bayit, mussar, history, philosophy, Jewish thought, and much more Ateret Emet Seminary featuring Rebbetzin Tehilla Jaeger Life-changing trips to Israel, Europe, and exotic locations Melave Malkas Classes on Tanach, Halacha, Jewish Philosophy, Hebrew language, Talmud, Marriage, Parenting, Mussar, and Hashkafa Shabbat at the Delmans Special events Weekend retreats Weekly Shabbatons Personal and couples’ counseling Mother-Daughter events   EMET’s unique approach to outreach is predicated on relationship-building and personal attention. We connect Jewish teens, college students, young professionals, and couples to their Jewish heritage, and inject them with a deep appreciation of Judaism and a sense of pride in its rich traditions. Our warm, passionate rabbis and teachers develop personal bonds with each individual, teaching them Torah and guiding them through every stage of life.  Emet is a multifaceted educational and outreach organization whose mission is to spread the beauty and relevance of Judaism and Torah to young adults yearning to discover and connect with their heritage. Students are continually encouraged by the warm, dedicated Emet staff to take additional steps to enhance their personal growth.Emet’s convenient location in the heart of the Queens community, where many students live, allows its teachers and rabbis to be involved in the students’ lives both on-campus and off-campus. Emet students span the horizon from Sephardic to Ashkenazi. However, being located in the heart of Queens which today boasts the largest concentration of Bukharian Jews in the world, Emet plays a major role in the lives of Bukharian college students and young adults.A unique aspect of Emet is that it is involved simultaneously in campus and community outreach. Emet’s learning programs, which include lunch and learns, lectures, as well as small group learning, take place daily in several colleges. Emet rabbis and educators also keep in touch with students beyond the confines of the campus. Summer programs, Shabbatons, special events, and weekly evening community-based classes are integral parts of Emet’s all-encompassing approach.Emet students are students for life. The organization facilitates students’ growth at pivotal moments in their lives, especially when they embark on the momentous journey of building Jewish homes.


Exhibit J

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBVz22II-pw[/embed] Empowering young adults to build a passionate and educated Jewish future.   Comprehensive StrategyWe craft our programs around the idea that Judaism should be Enjoyable, Relevant, and Personal.   To this end, our personable and passionate staff provide each student with the individualized inspiration he or she needs. This is achieved through a variety of individual and group activities and opportunities, including: • Classes and discussions• Personal mentoring and learning sessions• Social events and outings• Experiential Shabbats & Jewish holidays• Short trips within the USA• Extended trips and programs in Israel• Partner programs, internships, retreats, and opportunities• Mitzvah opportunities – Shabbat candles, tefillin, books, mezuzahs   Exhibit J is not limited to its own resources – we are connected with scores of other outreach organizations and dozens of educators offering a broad spectrum of programming and opportunities for every level of interest and experience. Participants at Exhibit J have the entirety of the Jewish outreach movement available to them, together with the individualized, caring advocacy of staff who seek to connect each student with the content and experiences curated to maximize their potential.   Your gift to Exhibit J allows us to change the future of the Jewish nation by educating today’s young adults.   Everything we do is funded by private donations from people like you. Exhibit J is recognized as a tax-exempt charity by the IRS under section 501(c)(3). Tax Identification Number: 47-1871959



Always on the move.   Moving the soul. Moving mountains to help a person in need.  Moving around schedules to accommodate our community.  Moving homes.   One is not like the other.   The first three are part of the mission that drives GANI - Chabad Kauai: to support and guide our community to promote their physical and spiritual well-being. Moving homes, on the other hand, is an exhausting distraction from what really matters.   Over the past 10 years, our reality has been rooted in instability. While we have been able to show up for our community consistently, we have not been able to do the same for ourselves. While we’ve been able to provide a stable home for our Jewish Center, we have not been afforded the same opportunity. In the last decade, our family has moved 8 times! And while we're grateful to have a roof over our heads, it pains us to witness the toll these moves take on our family. Not just our immediate family - but our extended family, our community. Each relocation brings with it a multitude of logistical and emotional challenges that threaten to get in the way of the more important work we do: offering guidance, support, and spiritual nourishment to our beloved community. In order to continue our work, we need a place to call home. Our current model is unsustainable.    A permanent place from which to lead and inspire   A strong community needs a strong foundation, and that foundation rests on the spiritual leaders’ abilities to properly serve their community. Our leadership flourishes when grounded in a physical "base", a permanent residence that allows us to dedicate more time and energy to serving our community.   A home for our family matters to our community because having a place to call home means we can dig our roots deeper and provide continuity and reliability to our community. This is the vision we wish to make a reality: a stable and secure home that will serve as the nucleus of our community - and our future.    Together, let’s lay the foundation for a thriving and enduring community.    Please join us as we launch Phase 1 of the Roots on Kauai campaign to raise $360k to secure a place to call home; a place that will serve as the heartbeat of our community, where various events, Shabbat meals, one-on-one meetings, and more will thrive. Supporting this cause will also aid us in our endeavor to build a mikvah on our new property to serve locals and visitors alike. We deeply appreciate your investment in the continued strength and prosperity of our community.    With many thanks and blessings,Rabbi Michoel and Zissel Goldman


Hachnasat Kallah

In Jewish communities, it is not uncommon for people to collect money on behalf of a needy couple that lacks funds to celebrate their nuptials and/or set up a modest home together. Moving from person to person in the synagogue or on the street, the collector need not say anything more than hachnasat kallah, and sympathetic strangers willingly contribute toward the worthy cause of establishing a new Jewish home with dignity and joy. Hachnasat kallah (הַכְנָסַת כַּלָּה, also pronounced hachnosas kallah) literally means “bringing in the bride,” and it refers to the mitzvah of providing bride and groom with all that they need to marry.   The Talmud sees this mitzvah, which is done discreetly and without fanfare, as alluded to in Scripture’s call to, “walk humbly with your G‑d.   Hachnasat kallah is listed among those deeds for which we are rewarded during our lifetime, with our primary reward being given to us in the World to Come.   The Code of Jewish law rules that if stewards of communal funds have unallocated funds, they should be earnmarked toward “marrying off orphan maidens, for there is no tzedakah greater than this.   In modern times, the term hachnasat kallah refers to providing financial support. However, in the times of the Talmud it was (also) used literally, referring to the mitzvah of joining the bridal entourage, lending prestige and joy to the procession that made its way from the bride’s home to the wedding celebration. This (along with joining a funeral procession) was seen as being so important that Rabbi Yehuda bar Ilai would disrupt his studies to participate in an under-attended procession.



Our goal is to create a great, useful, and readily available resource for Halacha on the web. Our intentions are leshem shamayim. We aim to police the site to keep contributions true to torah misinai. We envision that an undertaking this massive would only be done as a joint effort by klal yisroel, hence we chose to use the open code wiki platform.   The founder and editors of the site are graduates of Yeshiva University. My brothers and I came up with this idea in 2009. At first, we thought it was impossible to organize and translate all of halacha, but thought we'd give it a try. As time as proven, doing two halachot each day can add up to quite a lot.   In general, the site is meant to cater to Orthodox Jews of all types and minhagim. Therefore, irrelevant of my background, I'm happy to  to include as many Orthodox opinions as possible. However, as the site is growing and isn't finished it's very possible that a particular opinion on a particular subject is missed. Just let us know and we'll include it.



iTorah has been developed and is managed by Torah Learning Resources Ltd. (TLR), a Brooklyn NY based non – profit organization. TLR is administered by members of the New York Sephardic Syrian community solely for the purpose of disseminating Torah via the internet.   We are an IRS approved 501 C3 entity. Donations made to Torah Learning Resources are tax-deductible to the extent of the law. All donations, sponsorships, and advertising fees paid to TLR are used to cover costs associated with the management of this site.   Credit Card statements for charges shall state: “Torah Learning Resources Ltd. ”Tax-deductible receipts are sent in early January for the prior calendar year.   We do not share or sell our mailing/subscription list. From time to time we may broadcast an email in regard to our websites or as directed by community Rabbis and leaders.   The Mashgiach for the site is Rabbi Eli J Mansour.   iTorah began as www.DailyHalacha.com back in late 2001 when our first efforts consisted of sending out a short 3-minute audio file of Rabbi Mansour’s daily recording of a Halacha. Soon after, we began transcribing and editing the audio files. This was followed in March 2005 by the Daf Yomi program by Rabbi Mansour under the www.DailyGemara.com banner. Shortly thereafter in 2005, we launched www.learntorah.com.And then DailyTehillim, DailyHok, MishnaBerura, and all the others.   In May 2018, after 2 years of development, we finally launched iTorah.com which is a culmination of all our web sites into one ubiquitous online resource for Judaica geared for the Sephardic communities around the world.


Jewish Autism Network

We’re a Brooklyn-based couple on a mission to make our community a more comfortable place for Autistic individuals and their families. Together, we founded the Jewish Autism Network, a global shtetl where you can kvell and kvetch with people who get it! Jewish Autism Network is 501c3 (under the fiscal sponsorship of The Jewish Student Foundation) and all your donations are tax-deductible.   All your donations will go towards our goal of raising awareness of Autism in the Jewish community and creating and implementing solutions for people on the spectrum and their families.


Jewish Little Star Preschool

Little Star is one of the leading Hebrew day schools in Staten Island. We create a vibrant environment for our students to flourish. We foster Jewish values and promote the highest quality secular and Jewish education in warm and friendly surroundings, as we know that a well-rounded child is a well-adjusted adult.   Licensed, State-of-the-art Facility Designed with your child’s safety and well-being in mind, we are licensed by the NYC Department of Health. Our educator-designed facilities feature different centers which engage the whole child.   Experienced & Warm Teachers Our teachers meet the requirements of the NYCDOH. They are warm, caring, experienced and capable of bringing each child to his or her full potential.   Vibrant Jewish Education Your child will receive an extensive Jewish education, by trained educators, learning the Hebrew alphabet and gaining an appreciation of our Jewish heritage.   Superior Education In addition the New York State core curriculum, the children’s minds are stimulated by other fascinating topics such as current events and nature. Trips and special presentations add to our children’s understanding of the world around them.   At Little Star, we utilize center-based education to create a well-rounded curriculum. Each learning center is designed for hands-on learning, giving our students an enriched learning experience. Age-appropriate centers focused on varied skills enable each Little Star student to flourish and shine bright.   Our great team of skilled teachers are hand-picked for their warmth and professionalism. Each teacher is experienced and fully trained to give each student what they need to succeed. With a high teacher-to-student ratio, at Jewish Little Star Preschool, you’ll know your child is in good hands!


Jewish Prisoners

Reaching Out is an organization under the leadership of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. We are on the forefront in bringing the light of the Torah to the darkest places of the prisons. It is why we are called the Chabad House for Jewish Prisoners. Chabad Lubavitch is known for its love to all Jews, and the Lubavitcher Rebbe never recognized labels for Jews, but loved all. Reaching Out helps all Jews in confinement; regardless of a person's religious observances, affiliation, background or lack of one, we help all. We also help non-Jews to follow the universal Seven Noahide Laws (code of ethics and morality) that are applicable to all of mankind. We help Jews and non-Jews that reach out to us for help, regardless of race, creed, sex, color or religion. Every request is dealt with. We do not charge a cent for our work. People can give donations, as we are tax deductible, if they want to, but it is not a condition to our helping them.Everyone knows that a stick cannot push away darkness but the teachings of the Torah, the prayers that Jews in prison recite daily, the kosher food that the Jewish prisoners struggle for, the ability to light Shabbos candles, and all the other mitzvahs, are the light that pushes away the darkness in prison. The basic Lubavitch philosophy is, darkness can be changed into light.Jews in prisons face many challenges maintaining their Jewishness. Reaching Out has distributed, thanks to a grant from the Yonina Memorial Fund, thousands of large print annotated Prayer Books. Most people are not aware of the plight that the thousands of Jews in prisons across America, in county, city, state or federal, suffer daily. The prison system makes it very difficult to maintain one's sanity and even more difficult to observe one's religion properly. Even in the most accommodating prisons, it is not simple to live as a Jew. Jews in prisons are alone and afraid, and many think that they have no one to turn to and that no one cares. The Rebbe cares and helps the Jewish inmates with any and all religious problems that have not been addressed properly by the prison staff. We send free books in order to help each on their path to learn about our rich Jewish heritage and rehabilitation. We help each to observe Jewish holidays and assist each with their daily Jewish practices, which is a great challenge especially in such isolated and anti-Semitic environments, where Jews, are thank G-d, a very small minority.In addition, we are now in touch also with English speaking prisoners in England, Germany, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. The monthly "Reaching Out," which we send free, is in its 36th year of uninterrupted monthly mailings. It is the oldest, most popular monthly, read by Jewish inmates everywhere. In fact, before Reaching Out started its monthly, Jews in prisons were not being provided any Jewish literature. Some Jews in prisons have no family, some have families that want nothing to do with them. Each month they wait eagerly for our monthly mailings and for some, it is the only mail from the outside world.In each Jew there is a spark (in Hebrew, neshomo, in English, soul). Sometimes this spark is dim. It is why the Rebbe sends emissaries out all over the world,and it is why our monthly Reaching Out is sent to those behind bars, to "undim" that spark, to fan it into a flame in each and every Jew. The teachings of the Torah help a person become a healthy minded individual who knows that he or she has a vital part to play in the universe even from the confines of a prison cell. This is also a preparation for eventual re-entry into society.As mentioned, prison is a lonely and frightening place. Prisons generally tend to dehumanize inmates and destroy the family unit, as well as any self worth. Our goal is not only to help free the inmate from prison physically, but to free him or her spiritually. Inmates are cut off from their families and their communities.They are isolated and vulnerable to anti-Semitism and overt proselytizing. Even the strongest personalities can lose their identity and ability to cope. Some have no one to discuss hate, medical problems or misunderstandings and turn to us for help.In addition to sending out a monthly to thousands of Jewish prisoners in the USA and abroad, we also send out books, Jewish literature and religious items. We send teachers to individuals or groups, (partially paid for in loving memory of Esther Rivka bat Yaakov Meir), all geared toward helping each prisoner to become rehabilitated, not only for whatever it is that landed them into prison, but more so, to become closer to G-d and knowledgeable in their spiritual awakening.Reaching Out corresponds with hundreds of men and women in prisons and we make ourselves available in all their spiritual needs. We go to bat for kosher food in so many states that it would take up too much space to mention all of them. We help the men who need to fight for religious freedom. We send literature in Hebrew or Russian to those that do not understand English. In many state, and county prisons, where they have no budget for religious items, we donate all important religious items.In addition to being in touch with individuals, we are also very involved in helping to make policy changes in all states (statewide) and also on the federal level, so that Jews in prisons can better practice and observe their religious rights.It was Reaching Out that negotiated the first statewide kosher food program in the United States, in NY State Dept of Corrections back in 1991. Before this,there was only one facility in the entire state of New York that provided kosher. Since NY State expanded and allowed all prisons to serve kosher, many other states have followed suit afterwards. (See video).After many years of negotiations, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons agreed to implement hot kosher lunches and suppers, each day and every day of the week, throughout the US, in all its prisons. Before our involvement, the Federal Bureau of Prisons was only serving three hot meals a week to all the federal prisoners. We were instrumental in helping the federal prisons implement two Passover Seder nights instead of only one and to implement a nationwide guide for allowing the Sukkah in all prisons (including closed buildings that never had a Sukkah) and other important mitzvahs.Reaching Out has many accomplishments over the years. New Jersey State had their first Sukkah set up in a prison thanks to our efforts and Virginia State has agreed to allow Jewish inmates to wear the Tefillin and Tzitzit for the first time. Texas State set up eight kosher facilities and New Hampshire State agreed to provide kosher for the few Jewish inmates. California State has agreed to serve kosher in all their facilities, statewide, and to hire Jewish chaplains in many of its prisons.It is interesting that although Chabad Lubavitch has full-time representation in forty-six states, Reaching Out has helped a Jewish woman obtain her kosher food in the State of Montana before Chabad-Lubavitch opened an office there.In addition, the Rebbe also instructed us to help the families left home, wives, parents, children, in their daily struggles to maintain a normal lifestyle while a loved one is in prison. We are now expanding our "Lend a Shoulder" program and actively seeking professionals who would give of their time to adopt a family outside of the prison walls.The Reaching Out staff consist of professional dedicated individuals, who are in touch with elected individuals on both sides of the aisle, in order to make sure that religious needs in prisons all over the US are met. We pride ourselves to be called the Chabad House for Jewish prisoners and act as the "inmate's representatives". We also have contacts with high officials in Homeland Security and help those transferred to facilities on their way home, to make sure that they receive kosher food and other religious needs too.Jews in need seek us out from all over the world and from all walks of life and no one is turned down. Like in over 4,000 Chabad Houses all over the world, what unites all of us is that each cares dearly for another Jew and each will do whatever it takes to bring the Jew their needs. This is the teaching of the Rebbe and this is what we do. The Rebbe opens the doors for us to be able to help a Jew in need. Rich and poor are treated the same.We live today in a time which the Lubavitcher Rebbe calls the last moments of exile, that our generation will be the last in exile and also the first in Redemption and we can see it openly. Non-Jewish commissioners, directors, governors and senators and heads of prisons are ready and willing to do what they can, if approached properly, for the benefit of religious rights.It is clear that this is just part of the amalgam the Rebbe has forged to help every Jew in every corner of the globe. If it is a Jew in Shanghai, China, Tel Aviv, Israel, Melbourne, Australia, or Sao Paula, Brazil; if it's a Jew in a prison or in a Wall Street office, the Rebbe is there to help all Jews. Reaching Out TeamRabbi Shmuel SpritzerZev M KaganRabbi Yehuda SpritzerProfessor Boruch Bush Dr. Chaim BronerChaim ColeShmuel LeiblichLevi A. Reiter, Ph.D. The Legal CornerMoshe Tzvi HaCohen FogelPeretz Reich Mrs. Chana Belinow


Jewish Russian Learning Center

To promote and strengthen Jewish awareness, pride and identity by providing educational, cultural and social activities and services to all Jewish individuals and families regardless of affiliation or background with special emphasis on the programs that target Russian-speaking Jews. Treasuring the infinite value of every individual, JRLC is committed to enriching the lives of every single Jew in Staten Island and Tri-State Area through its multiple programs and educational, social and religious services and media projects. Staten Island ranks among the fastest growing communities on the East Coast. As more and more Russian Jewish people and their families move in, there is an ever increasing need for a warm, friendly Jewish center promoting Jewish identity, continuity and awareness. Jewish Russian Learning Center strives to fill this need by providing programs and activities that benefit the entire Jewish community.


Join Isreal

[embed]https://ezraorg.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/JoinIsrael.mp4[/embed]   JOIN Israel services at-risk youth, families and elderly in crisis across Israeli populations. The organization taps unused resources and enlists partners in a unique model of collaboration. We JOIN together government agencies, communities and nonprofits in a synergistic partnership to solve intolerable situations facing Israelis today. In the United States, JOIN Israel finds and gives a platform to likeminded individuals to join together and rescue Israelis in crisis. We host parlor meetings, regional fundraisers and a have a growing Young Leadership Chapter.   JOIN Israel was established in 1992 as a 501(c)3 non-profit by Stephen Bisk. It was started to offer social services and educational solutions for immigrants to Israel from the former Soviet Union.



For many years Kvits-91 has supported Torah learners by connecting donors, who appreciate and understand the value of Torah study. Today, with the association with EzraOrg, we are looking forward to strengthening the Torah study, since it’s the only source of the existence and only reason life goes on. Kvits-91 also has a program of providing scholars and learners  with Sefarim if necessary. It’s an honor partnering up with our donors and pray that Hashem send livelihood to all dedicated talmidim. If you need to find more about Kvits-91 you may contact them byeMail: kvits91@gmail.comWhatsApp: (718) 925-5239


Limud Torah

אֵלּוּ דְבָרִים שֶׁאֵין לָהֶם שִׁעוּר. הַפֵּאָה, וְהַבִּכּוּרִים, וְהָרֵאָיוֹן, וּגְמִילוּת חֲסָדִים, וְתַלְמוּד תּוֹרָה. אֵלּוּ דְבָרִים שֶׁאָדָם אוֹכֵל פֵּרוֹתֵיהֶן בָּעוֹלָם הַזֶּה וְהַקֶּרֶן קַיֶּמֶת לוֹ לָעוֹלָם הַבָּא. כִּבּוּד אָב וָאֵם, וּגְמִילוּת חֲסָדִים, וַהֲבָאַת שָׁלוֹם בֵּין אָדָם לַחֲבֵרוֹ, וְתַלְמוּד תּוֹרָה כְּנֶגֶד כֻּלָּם:  משנה פאה א׳:א׳     These are the things that have no definite quantity: The corners (of the field). First-fruits; (The offerings brought) on appearing [at the Temple on the three pilgrimage festivals]. The performance of righteous deeds; And the study of the torah. The following are the things for which a man enjoys the fruits in this world while the principal remains for him in the world to come: Honoring one’s father and mother; The performance of righteous deeds; And the making of peace between a person and his friend; And the study of the torah is equal to them all. Mishnah Peah 1:1


Maaglei Nefesh

In 2017, Rabbi Yoni Rosenweig realized there was a significant dearth of published halachic material on mental health and set about to rectify the situation with his good friend Dr. Shmuel Harris. Together they wrote Nafshi BeShe’elati, a comprehensive halachic work on mental health, published by Maggid. However, during this process, Rav Yoni learned something much more painful: thousands of religious and traditional Jews across the world felt alone with their mental health challenges, and in many cases, alienated from their communities and religion. Rav Yoni learned how deeply intertwined mental health and spirituality is for so many. And it soon became clear that facing a perceived conflict, many decided that they had to choose between their religious identity and their mental health. They decided that they couldn’t maintain both. This realization led Rav Yoni to begin offering spiritual, pastoral, and halachic guidance to the hundreds of people that contacted him from around the globe. Moreover, he began to speak publicly about mental health, raising awareness and gathering a community of thousands on Facebook. Sensing the strong need for a center that would train Jewish community leaders, provide an address for those suffering, fight stigma, and raise awareness, Rav Yoni partnered with Nadav Ellinson, a hi-tech executive, to found Maaglei Nefesh – the Center for Mental Health, Community, and Halacha. Maaglei Nefesh’s vision is a society that actively supports people on their journey to positive mental health. We believe that communities are a powerful force in the fight against stigma and community leaders are well placed to lead that fight. Please join us in our efforts.


Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem of America

Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem (MTJ) (Hebrew: מתיבתא תפארת ירושלים, Mesivta Tiferet Yerushaláyim) is a yeshiva in the Lower East Side of New York City. One of the oldest yeshivas in the city, MTJ was once led by Moshe Feinstein. A second campus, known as Yeshiva of Staten Island, is located in Staten Island, New York. The suburban campus contains a high school, college, post-college facilities and a dormitory.   Interior and 1922 dedication plaque The yeshiva was originally organized in 1905 as a synagogue, known as Congregation Tifereth Jerusalem, at 115 Hester Street in the Lower East Side neighborhood of New York City. In 1907, the congregation moved to 87 Eldridge Street and opened the yeshiva originally calling it "Talmud Torah Tifereth Jerusalem Yeshiva." This makes it one of the oldest yeshivas in New York City. The congregation hired Yehuda Sachs Wolpert to administer the institution as he previously served as Rabbi in Libau, part of the Zamut region of Lithuania.   Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem (MTJ) moved to a few temporary locations including 240 Madison Street, the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary at 9-11 Montgomery Street, and 147 East Broadway. In 1917, the board of directors purchased 145 East Broadway and combined it with the 147 East Broadway property where they built a new permanent building.   In June 1922, the new MTJ building had its grand opening marked by a parade and attendance by leading rabbis in New York along with media coverage in The Hebrew Standard and the Jewish Morning Journal. The president of the yeshiva was Aaron Yaakov Dashkovitz, with Yaakov Yosef Herman serving on the board of directors.   Originally an elementary school, a high school was established in the late 1920s, and a post–high school yeshivah was later added. MTJ now offers a full range of classes, from pre-kindergarten through post-high school. Yosef Adler served as rosh yeshiva (dean) and in 1936, hired his cousin Moshe Feinstein to start a Beis Medrash and semikhah (rabbinic ordination) program at the yeshiva.In 1938, after Adler died of a heart attack while swimming, Feinstein became the rosh yeshiva. Michel Barenbaum became the mashgiach ruchani (student supervisor) in the late 1940s (he died on March 4, 2003). Following Feinstein's death, MTJ was led by his son Dovid Feinstein until his death in November 2020. The school is now led by the latter's son Berel Feinstein.


Ner Isreal Rabbinical College

[embed]https://ezraorg.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Ner-Israel-Rabbinical-College.mp4[/embed] Yeshivas Ner Yisroel was founded in 1933 by the Rosh HaYeshiva, Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Harav Yaakov Yitzchok Ruderman zt”l, with the goal of developing a high-level, Slabodka-style yeshiva geared specifically towards the contemporary American bochur.   The Yeshiva attracts talmidim from communities around the world who wish to attain their full potential in Gadlus baTorah and Avodas Hashem. Under the tutelage of the Rosh HaYeshiva, Moreinu Harav Aharon Feldman shlita and Ner Yisroel’s acclaimed staff of outstanding rebbeim, talmidim are exposed to the breadth and depth of Torah while imbibing the hashpa’ah and hadracha for successfully navigating the challenges of today’s world.   Ner Yisroel is dedicated to producing Bnei Torah that strive for gadlus baTorah who reflect their own unique strength and personality. Talmidim are trained that Torah must remain at the center of one’s life, regardless of his occupation. Those who are involved in a business  profession should be no less immersed in a sugya than their chaverim in the fields of chinuch or rabbanus. The Yeshiva accomplishes this goal with its diverse staff, talmidim, and educational programs.   Every moment spent in Ner Yisroel is a lesson in achrayus. Throughout its existence, the Yeshiva has developed, and continues to develop talmidim who are true ambassadors of Torah and Yiras Shomayim. Embodying the lessons of Ner Yisroel, they carry its influence everywhere – as distinguished mechanchim, rabbanim, and ba’alei battim in every profession whose lifeblood is limud haTorah.   Ner Yisroel creates Bnei Torah and services Bnei Torah. Our alumni are Gedolei Torah, Roshei Yeshiva, dedicated Mechanchim, Rabbonim Chashuvim, and involved responsible Baalei Batim, who serve Klal Yisroel in communities around the world.   Our Israel Henry Beren Mechina High School, Yeshiva Gedola and Kollel under the leadership of the Rosh Hayeshiva Shlita, the Menahel Ruchni Shlita and a devoted group of Rebbeim Shlita make up a vibrant Mokom Torah of over 700 Talmidim from around the world.   Even with an extremely large operating budget, we are providing over four million dollars a year in scholarship aid to Talmidim of the Mechina and Yeshiva. With the cost of stipends for the Kollel’s hundreds of Avreichim, all of whom receive full scholarships, running close to one million dollars, together with our normal maintenance cost means that we must raise 6 million dollars a year.   In addition, we have spent in the last decade over ten million dollars in capital improvements to our campus. Future plans calls for upgrading of our older dormitories and building a gymnasium.   We need you to partner with us in sustaining our Avodas Hakodesh. Be a part of strengthening and illuminating one of the Crown Jewels of the Olam Hatorah.



Neshamos is on a mission to promote mental and emotional wellness within our community. Underscoring the importance of good emotional health in our lives by assisting and educating – from answering the phone call of an individual all the way to creating a curriculum on good emotional health for schools and parents. Neshamos is a non-profit organization founded to remove the stigma and offer support for those in our community suffering from trauma, mental health, and addiction issues. In addition to providing resources and support to those who need it, Neshamos believes that by educating our community on these issues, we can dispel the stigma, shame, and feelings of isolation felt by those struggling in our community.



For over half a century, New Yorkers haven’t had to handle social and emotional challenges alone.   Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services was founded in 1969 to provide foster care placement for Jewish families. Since then, it has grown into a full-service agency that meets the social and emotional needs of more than 23,000 individuals from all communities.



[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcVkCBlabhg[/embed] As the director and spiritual leader of Oorah, Rabbi Chaim Mintz’s vision of a close-knit community has become a reality. While the organization was founded in Staten Island, it has since expanded with a vast range of programs throughout the country. Rabbi Mintz’s fifty years of experience in both education and Jewish outreach, when coupled with his warmth and compassionate nature, make him the ultimate scholar in residence. He leads a weekly Torah class each Tuesday night, followed by a session of Ask the Rabbi, and is involved in all aspects of Oorah’s programs nationwide.   Our programs are varied and multifaceted but all share the common goal of opening doors for Jewish children and families. With our extensive network, we make connections and facilitate relationships, reaching out to Jewish families everywhere with opportunities to make their Judaic heritage more personal, relevant and meaningful.   We strive to provide a strong, all-encompassing network of personal guidance and educational resources to develop our youth into well-balanced, productive and engaged members of the community. We tailor our approach to give each child and family the resources and programs best suited to them.   We care deeply about the children and families we service and are committed to their success. Knowing how essential strong family and community support are to a child’s development, our programs aim to impact every aspect of a child’s life and environment. We are there for our children around the year and throughout their lives. Because we’re a family, and family cares.


Rabbi Jacob Joseph School

The Rabbi Jacob Joseph School has been the Merkaz Hatorah on Staten Island since 1976. With a boys division, a girls division and a preschool, RJJ serves as the bedrock foundation for the Jewish community on Staten Island. Currently, with two campuses, the Yeshiva has several hundred students and thousands of alumni.   Rabbi Jacob Joseph School is a religious, private elementary school. Originally established on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in 1900. Its mission, then and now, was to foster development of each child to reach their full potential in love of torah, ahavas hatorah, and full intellectual and academic achievement.   The elementary and preschool divisions moved from their Henry Street address to Staten Island in 1976 under the leadership of Dr. Marvin Schick who had the vision to recognize the burgeoning community of Torah dedicated families. These families wanted to imbue their children with the tools necessary to unlock the deepest mysteries of Torah and the world around them.   In September 1987 the girl’s division opened its’ doors. The same families that encouraged high academic standards for their boys wanted an equally appropriate yet separate environment for their girls. To date, the school remains the only yeshiva on Staten Island to teach Torah values in separate divisions.   With a small student body, we are able to pay particular attention to creating a warm and dynamic atmosphere. We seek to envelop our students in a torah environment in which they thrive and this remains the focal point of our dedication, concern and creativity. We remain committed to the success of each and every student, academically and socially, in accordance with their independent abilities and needs.   Our objective is to provide students with the tools of scholarship and the elements of a value system that will enable them to advance to their next level of education and to be a strong link to the next generation of Torah true Jews of who we will be proud. Infusing a sense of pride in being a Torah Jew and inculcating Midos Tovos, the goal of the designed curriculum is the development of an individual who has acquired the academic and ethical standards espoused by our Torah.


Rabbi Meir Baal Haness

Who We Are For over 200 years the name of Reb Meir Baal Haness has been associated with both assistance for the needy in Eretz Yisroel, as well as miraculous yeshuos for Jews who donated in honor of Rabbi Meir Baal Haness. Their generosity to Kupath Rabbi Meir has enabled our destitute brethren in Israel to be clothed, fed, and supported in dignity. And in turn, the age-old promise of Rebbe Meir still holds strong: those who give charity in his name will merit his blessing for salvation in their times of need.   Rabbi Meir Baal Haness Charities Rabbi Meir, known as Rabbi Meir Baal Haness because of the amazing miracles that he performed, pledged to intercede in Heaven for anyone who donates money to the poor of Israel. This pledge, and the extraordinary work of Rabbi Meir Baal Haness Charities resounds with Jewish people across the globe, bringing salvation both to the donors who support Rabbi Meir Baal Haness Charities, as well as needy families, Torah scholars, widows, orphans, and the ill and infirm in Israel.


Reenas Bais Yaakov

Reenas Bais Yaakov is a Bais Yaakov high school emulating the teachings of Sarah Schneirer, ע”ה and tailored to the unique character of the Edison/Highland Park community. Our school inspires a love of תורה and,מצוות implants אמונת חכמים in its students and nurtures a mature יראת שמים and אהבת ה’ such that students have the resilience to negotiate the world in which we live. The school teaches students to understand, appreciate and take pride in the role of the Jewish woman and the primacy of her obligations to her home and family, true to the dictum of שלמה המלך,חכמת נשים בנתה ביתה.   Reenas Bias Yaakov strives for academic excellence and invites critical thinking in all subject areas, creating an atmosphere where the pursuit of knowledge and skills is actively promoted and facilitated. Serious commitment to the study of למודי קודש cultivates חשיבות התורה, spurs personal growth and engenders heightened sensitivity to the richness of our heritage. Academic excellence in secular subjects opens students’ hearts and minds to the grandeur and complexity of Hashem’s world and prepares them to become successful adults.   Reenas Bais Yaakov provides a warm environment in which students are aware that the foremost interest of the staff is the growth and success of each student. A love of ארץ ישראל is fostered, with the recognition that it is both ארצנו הקדושה and ארץ חמדה טובה ורחבה. Reenas Bais Yaakov emphasizes מדות טובות as the yardstick of a true Bas Yisroel and inculcates its students with אהבת הבריות and אהבת ישראל, inspiring a profound sense of unity within the school and the larger community of כלל ישראל.


Russian American Jewish Experience

At RAJE, our values steer our actions   We are committed to excellence in all aspects of our work and are dedicated to building a strong and vibrant Jewish community.   DEVELOPMENT We lay the groundwork for a strong Jewish future through diverse programs, from social events to enriching classes, empowering young Jews to embrace their heritage and thrive in today's world.   COMMUNITY We prioritize fostering a supportive community of alumni, staff, and students, promoting personal and communal growth beyond program completion.   FLEXIBILITY Understanding the complexities of modern life, we adapt our programming to meet the needs of our students, regularly seeking feedback to enhance their experience.   INCLUSIVITY Being Jewish transcends religious rituals; it's about shared history, values, and belonging. Regardless of background, all are welcome at RAJE.   IMPACT We assess our programs' impact through surveys, data analysis, and internal reviews, aiming to create meaningful change within our participants and the broader Jewish community.   COLLABORATION We collaborate closely with Jewish institutions locally and globally to provide extensive support and resources to our students and alumni.



[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JNf0yHA60U[/embed] We are the People of the Book. For thousands of years, our culture, our traditions, and our values have been transmitted through our texts. From an oral tradition to handwritten scrolls to a vast corpus of printed books, each new medium democratized knowledge, and brought more people into the great Jewish conversation. We are the generation charged with shepherding our texts from print to digital in a way that can expand their reach and impact in new and unprecedented ways. Sefaria is a nonprofit organization dedicated to building the future of Jewish learning in an open and participatory way. We are assembling a free living library of Jewish texts and their interconnections, in Hebrew and in translation. With these digital texts, we can create new, interactive interfaces for Web, tablet and mobile, allowing more people to engage with the textual treasures of our tradition.


Shomrim Staten Island Safety Patrol

Staten Island Shomrim Safety Patrol is a community organization providing emergency services. Our services include but are not limited to search and rescue, security for community events, and safety patrol. SISP is a non-profit agency and an IRS 501(c)3.


Siyach Micha'el

Branch of Yeshiva Hebron for Georgian and Kavkazy Jewry with the goal of developing a high-level, Georgian and Kavkazy Rabanim and Avrechim. Please partner with us in sustaining our Avodat Hakodesh to strengthen our communities


Support With Heart Misaskim

Misaskim is there for Klal Yisrael 365 days a year, holding their hands during the darkest moments. To better serve the community, Misaskim has opened three brand-new branches — one in Edison, N.J., another in Linden, N.J., and a third in Crown Heights, N.Y. These communities have seen tremendous growth and were each ready to welcome their own local branch.   In the past, these areas were serviced by Misaskim branches in nearby locations. Now, each of these areas has its own Misaskim warehouse, complete with all necessary shivah supplies. This will allow Misaskim to deliver the equipment more efficiently.   Volunteer groups have also been organized in these locations and have been trained with Misaskim’s trademark sensitivities. In addition to delivering the shivah necessities, Misaskim volunteers are trained to look around the shivah home and take note of anything that might be needed — whether it’s changing lightbulbs, stocking the fridge, washing laundry, cleaning the kitchen or taking out the garbage. Because at the end of the day, their unwavering mission is to ease the burden of aveilim during that difficult time.   The recent passing of Misaskim’s founder, Reb Yankie Meyer zt”l, has been a tremendous blow for all of Klal Yisrael. But the board of directors, staff, and volunteers at Misaskim continue his legacy of chessed by forging on and furthering their reach as needed.   Klal Yisrael relies on Misaskim and Misaskim’s Project Yedid — its year-round program for widows and orphans. From shivah equipment and disaster recovery to meisei mitzvah and support for almanos and yesomim, Misaskim continues their tireless quest to support those who need it most.


The Chesed Fund

When I started TheChesedFund.com website I could never imagine how much good we could accomplish together.   I kept finding emails in my inbox of various causes that needed emergency assistance and I often gave when I could.   I knew that these desperate people needed everything they raised and didn’t have the luxury of paying high commissions to large corporate websites. I was shocked to find out how other crowd funding sites take advantage of these poor souls while charging fee after fee.   I took upon myself to help out our community and make a small change one line of code at a time.   Much upkeep is needed on the site and as the site is utilized by more people, greater demands are placed on the fragile server and framework we set in place.


The Great Synagogue

The Great Synagogue (Georgian: დიდი სინაგოგა), also known as the Georgian Synagogue, is an Orthodox Jewish congregation and synagogue, located at: 45-47 Leselidze Street in Tbilisi, in the Republic of Georgia. Georgian Jews from Akhaltsikhe migrated to Tbilisi in the late 19th century. A house was converted into a synagogue in 1877, thus the synagogue is also called the “synagogue of the people of Akhaltsikhe”. However, by the late nineteenth century, the building was in a state of disrepair, and in 1899 it was demolished according to a government decree. Subsequently, Georgian Jews built a new synagogue, construction of which began in 1904 and was completed in 1911. The new building was built in an eclectic Moorish Revival and Romanesque Revival style. The synagogue building also includes a mikveh. Other synagogues in Tbilisi include the Ashkenazi Synagogue (Beit Rachel), in current use; the former Ashkenazi Old (First, Soldiers') Synagogue at 10 Anton Katalikosi Street (10 Gia Abesadze Street), completed in 1918 in the Romanesque Revival style and subsequently used as a theatre; and the domed former Ashkenazi New (Second) Synagogue at 3 Anton Katalikosi Street, completed in 1915, repurposed as a Jewish museum, The Museum of the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot  


The Hebrew Free Burial Association

The Hebrew Free Burial Association (HFBA) devotes its resources to performing chesed shel emet (the ultimate act of lovingkindness- for the deceased who are unable to repay the kindness). It is the only agency in the greater New York metropolitan area dedicated to assuring that every Jew, regardless of financial means or religious affiliation, receives a dignified, traditional Jewish funeral and burial.   Since its inception in the 1880’s, the Hebrew Free Burial Association has buried over 65,000 indigent Jews. They have ranged in age from newborn to the elderly, and they may meet their ends in a hospital, nursing home, lonely apartment or even on the street.   Referring Cases to Us Can Ease The Burden on YouAs soon as the Hebrew Free Burial Association is notified of a death, wheels are set into motion to take responsibility of the body. Jewish law requires us to bury deceased as quickly as possible. We provide procedural guidelines on an individual basis. Our multi-lingual (English, Russian, Yiddish, Hebrew, Spanish) staff will organize all the deaths including:   Removal of the deceased from his or her current location A Tahara is solmenly done by our chevra kadisha Coordination with the necessary government agencies Families Need Help Too We provide support and comfort to grieving relatives, taking care of the sometimes   overwhelming forms and paperwork related to the burial. For example, if the deceased is eligible for death benefits from the Human Resources  Administration, Social Security Administration, or Veterans’ Administration, we assist in the claims process.   Time Is of the EssenceBurial rituals should begin immediately after the death. Please contact us as quickly as possible so we can make sure the body is prepared for burial in accordance with Jewish law. Our phones line are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Pre-need arrangements can be made before an individual dies, when it is clear that there in not much time left. We can also make arrangements for other situations when a person will not qualify for government benefits, but does not have sufficient funds for a funeral from a commercial funeral home.   HFBA’s obligation to those who we bury does not end after the funeral. We hold sacred the obligation that our cemeteries must be cared for and properly maintained. HFBA is proud that Mount Richmond Cemetery is kept to the highest standards. We are frequently told by funeral directors, who visit dozens of cemeteries in the tri-state area, that Mount Richmond Cemetery is one of the best kept cemeteries.   Silver Lake Cemetery is host to our Cemetery Clean-Up Project. Over 1500 volunteers visit Silver Lake annually to help us maintain and beautify the cemetery. In addition, we are in the midst of a multi-year restoration of the cemetery.   Among the many traditions associated with Yahrzeit(anniversary of a loved one’s death) , perhaps none is as significant as the recitation of the mourner’s kaddish. The recitation of kaddish in a minyan (quorum of ten men) elevates the glory of G-d in this world, and by saying kaddish on the yahrzeit of a loved one, one ensures that the deceased receives the merit of that glorification of G-d’s name.   Hebrew Free Burial Association is available to send representatives to speak at your agency or facility (nursing home, senior center, etc…). We have many years of experience speaking to staff and/or to clients about all end-of-life issues. Having a dignified end of life plan is essential to all people, regardless of faith.   Many seniors simply chose to ignore preparing for their final needs. This is a tragic mistake and one that HFBA works hard to avoid. For everyone. In addition, HFBA attends conferences and health fairs, speaking to social workers, care managers, and other professionals about all matters relating to end of life care.


Tiferet Torah

Metivta Tiferet Torah opened its doors in 2005 with the singular goal of providing a world class yeshiva for the Sephardic community. Since our founding, our mission has been to mold well-rounded Bnei Torah who are Baalei Middot Tovot, well educated, and have a strong sense of responsibility to their community and Klal Yisrael. ​ The Yeshiva is a branch of the famed Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim of Queens, and is under the guidance of its Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Dovid Harris shlita and Horava Akiva Grunblatt shlita. MTT is headed by Rabbi Nerya Aminov, Rabbi Nachum Zlotnick and Rabbi Tzvi Kramer. From our humble beginning with just a few talmidim, our Yeshiva has grown consistently with hundreds of talmidim passing through our doors since then. ​ Our English department, headed by the very talented Rabbi Raphael Moskowitz, boasts a very rigorous program in Math, Science, ELA, with technology being a key component in the education of our talmidim to equip them for the world today. ​ We recently created a post high school program, Yeshiva Ateret Gavriel, for talmidim looking to expand their ruchniut and learning even further. The program has been a magnet for accomplished Bnei Torah and has blossomed into a formidable Makom Torah. The Beit Medrash adds a component of hashpha and mentorship for the high school Talmidim which is invaluable.   MTT is renowned for its warm Rebbeim and the strong ties that they develop with each talmid. Those bonds last long beyond their high school years and extend to their adult lives. Talmidim treasure their connection to their Rebbeim and stay in touch even after leaving. ​ The yeshiva takes pride in their alumni who have chosen a wide range of careers, from chinuch, rabbanut, kiruv, medicine, law, business and everything in between.


Torah Mates

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFomlPZwuaY[/embed] Oorah’s TorahMates is a free Jewish learning program partnering thousands of Torah study partners globally. Our goal is to allow every Jewish individual to learn more about their heritage, and to allow beginners the opportunity to study Torah from the comfort of their own home. Dedicated coordinators match men and women wishing to learn Torah and learn more about their heritage with knowledgeable and friendly volunteer teachers. After choosing the topic they’d like to study, TorahMates learn Torah on the phone or video call for a half-hour a week. It doesn’t have to end after you hang up the phone! Many TorahMates become close friends as they grow together every week. Annual retreats bring the TorahMates community together for a weekend of growth and bonding, and as a bonus, TorahMates earn miles for every minute they learn which can be used to purchase many different types of great prizes! In 2020, the TorahMates’ Jewish Resources website was launched as well, giving visitors a convenient location that houses weekly inspiration, recipes, holiday guides, and more.



[embed]https://ezraorg.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/TorahAnytime.mp4[/embed]   Largest library of originally recorded Torah classes In 2006, Shimon and Rubin Kolyakov from the Queens, NY Bukharian community, started TorahAnytime in order to give their friends and family the ability to experience Torah classes wherever they were, whenever they wanted. But the need for widespread Torah knowledge grew tremendously, and nearly two decades later, the organization created multiple platforms that are accessed by over a million users a year, free of charge.  


Yad Eliezer

Israel Poverty Relief: Meet American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B’ezri American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B’ezri fights to alleviate the effects of poverty, while enabling families to retain a sense of dignity. With your support we can make a difference.   American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B’ezri is a charitable organization whose objective is to combat poverty at its root, through an array of programs that provide critical short-term relief, while facilitating long-term recovery. Among its many initiatives aimed at combating poverty, American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B’ezri subsidizes efforts to feed indigent children, families and the frail and elderly. It contributes to efforts to arrange and disseminate food vouchers to the needy which can be redeemed at local supermarkets.   In addition to subsidizing food for the poor, American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B’ezri sponsors job training support that helps recipients complete degrees so they can work toward becoming financially independent. Additionally, American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B’ezri provides cash disbursements to thousands of families for a one-time need. Whether due to a medical emergency, unexpected expense or the need to get through a difficult time, this fund alleviates their financial distress and allows them to focus on real issues. These grants often prevent a one-time crisis from forcing a family into a downward spiral of poverty from which they can never escape. The organization also supports efforts to provide monthly stipends to widows running single parent homes and who, despite government financial assistance, have trouble making ends meet.   Our scrupulous management and efficient means of distribution enable us to maintain limited overhead and administrative expenses. Over 96% of funds go directly to needy families. This achievement has earned American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B’ezri the coveted “4-Star Exceptional” rating from Charity Navigator, which rates organizations based on how effectively and responsibly they utilize donations, and to what extent the charity is growing in terms of programs and services.


Yad Ezra

[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjguKbGMkFY[/embed] Yad Ezra opened its doors in 1990 to provide kosher food to vulnerable Jewish families in Southeast Michigan. Yad Ezra’s founders learned that there were impoverished Jews living in the community who relied heavily on government assistance programs, including food stamps.   Yad Ezra was founded to alleviate some of our clients’ financial burdens by distributing groceries to families in need. In 1990, Yad Ezra served an average of 250 families every month. Currently we provide an average of 1,200 impoverished families (almost 2,500 individuals) with food, health care items and household goods every month. In addition, Yad Ezra distributes appropriate foods that help enhance the clients’ celebration of every Jewish holiday.   Aside from providing a variety of kosher food options, Yad Ezra also: Supports Jewish Day School lunch programs which benefit nearly 400 children Arranges off-site deliveries for clients who are physically unable to come in Provides monthly groceries to families in Ann Arbor, Flint, JARC & Kadima homes Offers a drive-thru window for those wishing to keep anonymity Offers financial assistance through the Harold & Mini Wade Simcha Fund for clients celebrating life cycle events


Yad L’Achim

Yad L’Achim – Jewish Rescue Force From the time of its inception in 5710 (1950), Yad L’Achim has being committed to ensuring that no Jew is lost to our people. Activists are engaged in rescuing Jewish women and their children from Arab villages and helping rehabilitate them within the Jewish community.   In addition they wage an unceasing battle against assimilation and intermarriage, save souls from the clutches of the missionaries, and are involved in educational guidance and information campaigns. Yad L’Achim is there for any Jew who is in danger of being lost to the Jewish people.   If you know of a Jewish man or woman who is in distress, please contact us here immediately, or via the “Achim Phone,” Yad L’Achim’s red line, at *9234.


Yad Yitzchok

[embed]https://ezraorg.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/yadyitzchok.webm[/embed] The Yad Yitzhok Foundation has been helping needy repatriates and their families for 6.5 years. Why do our sponsors stay with us all this time? We provide targeted assistance and carefully check everyone who contacts us. We don’t just give money for a temporary solution, we make a plan to get out of the crisis. We provide not only financial assistance, but also advise everyone who has such a need. The Foundation has an important mission and goals, which we successfully fulfill by implementing all the projects we take on.Everything we do is aimed at integrating repatriates into Israeli society and at uniting Jews regardless of their country of origin.Together with our benefactors, we are building a new prosperous future according to our faith and all the commandments that God has given us.We appreciate any assistance and thank everyone who provides it. You too can become part of the community and care for the well-being of your neighbors and the future for all Jews.


Yeshiva Gedola Ateret Gavriel

Yeshiva Gedola Ateret Gavriel, an affiliate of Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim, opened its doors three years ago in Kew Gardens, NY. The Yeshiva serves as a Bet Midrash and Kollel for the greater Sephardic community. Currently, the Yeshiva has over 35 bachurim and avrechim learning daily. There are multiple levels of shiurim given by the Roshei HaYeshiva, Rabbi Tzvi Kramer and Rabbi Nerya Aminov. For the upcoming year in Elul, there will be a shiur for the first year Bet Midrash bachurim given by Rabbi Ephraim Zachai, the Mashgiach Ruchani of the Yeshiva who oversees all the needs of the Talmidim in both Ruchniyut and Gashmiyut. The Yeshiva offers a full day Yeshiva schedule, with three learning sedarim daily, meals, dorming, and much more. The goal of the Yeshiva is to develop talmidim in Limud Hatorah, Halacha, and Mussar and for them to be able go on to become the Talmidei Chachamim and Manhigim in Klal Yisrael.


Yeshiva of Staten Island

Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem (MTJ) (Hebrew: מתיבתא תפארת ירושלים, Mesivta Tiferet Yerushaláyim) is a yeshiva in the Lower East Side of New York City. One of the oldest yeshivas in the city, MTJ was once led by Harav Hagaon Moshe Feinstein. A second campus, known as Yeshiva of Staten Island, is located in Staten Island, New York. The yeshiva was originally organized in 1905 as a synagogue, known as Congregation Tifereth Jerusalem, at 115 Hester Street in the Lower East Side neighborhood of New York City. In 1907, the congregation moved to 87 Eldridge Street and opened the yeshiva, originally calling it “Talmud Torah Tifereth Jerusalem Yeshiva.” This makes it one of the oldest yeshivas in New York City.   Originally an elementary school, a high school was established in the late 1920s, and a post–high school yeshivah was later added. MTJ now offers a full range of classes, from pre-kindergarten through post-high school.


Yeshivas Torah Ore

The Yeshiva was founded on the principal of creating an atmosphere of individualized spiritual growth and developing an appreciation of Torah learning. Through a warm and personal approach, the Yeshiva seeks to imbue every talmid with the self-confidence and desire needed to reach greatness in Torah.   Since its inception in 1960, under the leadership of Maran HaGaon Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, zt’l, Yeshivas Torah Ore attracts talmidim from five continents. With such a dynamic pool of talmidim, the overseas group bonds together remarkably well.   The common thread woven into the fabric of the Yeshiva is that everyone is interested in immersing themselves in a serious Torah atmosphere, in Eretz Yisrael, away from the distractions of everyday life. The typical bochur is self-motivated and aspires to develop both his learning and analytical skills, as well as striving to reach new heights in his avodas hakodesh. The Torah Ore bochur isn’t satisfied with simply being personally impacted, but he also desires to share his passion for learning with others as well.


Yeshivat Ateret Tzvi

[embed]https://ezraorg.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Yeshivat-Ateret-Tzvi.mp4[/embed] ASHDOT 1973 - A SPIRITUAL AND PHYSICAL WASTE LAND That year, HAGAON HARAV AVRAHAM ALTMAN, SHILIT"A , immigrated to Israel from his native homeland of Buenos Aires and searched for a place to establish Yeshivat Ateret Tzvi. He saw that there were many Yeshivot in Jerusalem and he sought to establish a Yeshiva in a place where there was the greatest need enable to expand the study of Torah. That search brought him to Ashdod, at the time a spiritual desert. There were thousands of immigrants arriving in Israel primarily from the Arab countries, and he saw the great opportunity to create a home for these immigrants to help them acclimate to their new surroundings. Rabbi Altman quickly established a Yeshiva where in his gently loving manner inculcated these young boys and men with a love of Torah and a sense of belonging. Over the years the Yeshiva grew and moved from home to home until it's current location. For over 48 years, Rabbi Altman and Yeshivat Ateret Tzvi have had an enormous impact on the City of Ashdod and it's residents, changing and transforming the lives of not just the students, but the families and community at large. What was once just a barren waste land has been transformed into a thriving Torah community in which hundreds of students study all aspects of Torah and Jewish subjects on many levels.


Yeshivath Beth Moshe

Yeshivath Beth Moshe of Scranton aims to promote advanced Jewish scholarship and research in classical Talmudic and Rabbinical Studies, and related academic disciplines. The Yeshiva  also prepares students for careers in such fields as Rabbinics (pulpit or congregational rabbis), Jewish education (at the elementary, secondary and postsecondary levels), and school administration.  A large number of courses and training programs are available to the student body.