
Start Up Charitable Organization


Start Up Charitable Organization



Torah Education

We are the People of the Book. For thousands of years, our culture, our traditions, and our values have been transmitted through our texts. From an oral tradition to handwritten scrolls to a vast corpus of printed books, each new medium democratized knowledge, and brought more people into the great Jewish conversation. We are the generation charged with shepherding our texts from print to digital in a way that can expand their reach and impact in new and unprecedented ways.


Shomrim Staten Island Safety Patrol


Staten Island Shomrim Safety Patrol is a community organization providing emergency services. Our services include but are not limited to search and rescue, security for community events, and safety patrol. SISP is a non-profit agency and an IRS 501(c)3.



Torah Education

In 2006, Shimon and Rubin Kolyakov from the Queens, NY Bukharian community, started TorahAnytime in order to give their friends and family the ability to experience Torah classes wherever they were, whenever they wanted. But the need for widespread Torah knowledge grew tremendously, and nearly two decades later, the organization created multiple platforms that are accessed by over a million users a year, free of charge.


Torah Mates

Torah Education

Oorah's TorahMates is a free Jewish learning program partnering thousands of Torah study partners globally. Our goal is to allow every Jewish individual to learn more about their heritage, and to allow beginners the opportunity to study Torah from the comfort of their own home. Dedicated coordinators match men and women wishing to learn Torah and learn more about their heritage with knowledgeable and friendly volunteer teachers. After choosing the topic they'd like to study, TorahMates learn Torah on the phone or video call for a half-hour a week.


Congregation Toras Emes


Congregation Toras Emes of Staten Island is a warm, friendly and vibrant modern orthodox synagogue provides exceptional and uplifting religious, social and educational programming and services to the South and East Shores of Staten Island and surrounding areas.


Yeshivath Beth Moshe

Torah Education

Yeshivath Beth Moshe of Scranton aims to promote advanced Jewish scholarship and research in classical Talmudic and Rabbinical Studies, and related academic disciplines. The Yeshiva  also prepares students for careers in such fields as Rabbinics (pulpit or congregational rabbis), Jewish education (at the elementary, secondary and postsecondary levels), and school administration.  A large number of courses and training programs are available to the student body.


Yad Ezra

Food Distribution

Yad Ezra provides supplemental kosher food, necessities and enhancements of holidays and lifecycle events to those in need in the Jewish community. We are committed to operating a high quality food pantry through hard work and support of staff, volunteers and donors.


Yad L’Achim


So that we may continue our rescue efforts on behalf of Jewish women and their children, and their rehabilitation in the Jewish community, we need your help. It's important to know that in the hierarchy of Jewish charity, the mitzvah of redeeming captives (Pidyon Shuvyim) is the highest priority! Fill in your details now and send your contribution quickly and easily


Yad Yitzchok


The Yad Yitzhok Foundation supports needy Russian-speaking repatriates in Israel. We help widows and widowers, large and single-parent families, orphans, people with disabilities, the sick, pensioners. Our goal is not to cover problems with a certain amount of money, but to identify the source of troubles and find a way out.


Yad Eliezer


American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri is a charitable organization whose objective is to combat poverty at its root, through an array of programs that provide critical short-term relief, while facilitating long-term recovery. Among its many initiatives aimed at combating poverty, American Friends of Yad Eliezer/B'ezri subsidizes efforts to feed indigent children, families and the frail and elderly. It contributes to efforts to arrange and disseminate food vouchers to the needy which can be redeemed at local supermarkets.


Aleph Institute

Prisoner Support

The Aleph Institute serves individuals of all backgrounds and faiths. Our guiding factors are Torah principles based on acceptance of God as the Supreme Power and Creator of the universe and emphasizing the values of human dignity, thereby making the world a better place for all. All of Aleph’s services are provided at no charge.


Chai Lifeline

Children's Health

Chai Lifeline is an international support network, providing social, emotional, and practical assistance to children, families, and communities impacted by medical crises and trauma through a variety of year-round programs and services.




Everything about Chazaq is unique. Let's start at the beginning, when our founder, Yaniv Meirov at the tender age of 15 wrote and distributed weekly Torah newsletters. His brother, Rav Ilan noticed that Yaniv's newsletter needed a big brother's help so they joined hands in working together.


The Chesed Fund


I knew that these desperate people needed everything they raised and didn't have the luxury of paying high commissions to large corporate websites. I was shocked to find out how other crowd funding sites take advantage of these poor souls while charging fee after fee.


Daily Giving


Just as drips of water over millennia can carve out caves and canyons, one small mitzvah multiplied several times over can move mountains as well.


Divine Information


Explore Jewish Spirituality, Connect with Your Heritage, and Transform Your Life. Join us for Inspiring Lectures, Events, and the Journey to Eternal Life.


Exhibit J


Empowering young adults to build a passionate and educated Jewish future.


The Hebrew Free Burial Association

Funeral or Memorial

The Hebrew Free Burial Association (HFBA) devotes its resources to performing chesed shel emet (the ultimate act of lovingkindness- for the deceased who are unable to repay the kindness). It is the only agency in the greater New York metropolitan area dedicated to assuring that every Jew, regardless of financial means or religious affiliation, receives a dignified, traditional Jewish funeral and burial.


Torah Education

iTorah has been developed and is managed by Torah Learning Resources Ltd. (TLR), a Brooklyn NY based non - profit organization. TLR is administered by members of the New York Sephardic Syrian community solely for the purpose of disseminating Torah via the internet.


Jewish Autism Network

Children's Health

We’re a Brooklyn-based couple on a mission to make our community a more comfortable place for Autistic individuals and their families. Together, we founded the Jewish Autism Network, a global shtetl where you can kvell and kvetch with people who get it!


Jewish Little Star Preschool

Torah Education

Little Star is one of the leading Hebrew day schools in Staten Island. We create a vibrant environment for our students to flourish. We foster Jewish values and promote the highest quality secular and Jewish education in warm and friendly surroundings, as we know that a well-rounded child is a well-adjusted adult.


Jewish Russian Learning Center


To promote and strengthen Jewish awareness, pride and identity by providing educational, cultural and social activities and services to all Jewish individuals and families regardless of affiliation or background with special emphasis on the programs that target Russian-speaking Jews. Treasuring the infinite value of every individual, JRLC is committed to enriching the lives of every single Jew in Staten Island and Tri-State Area through its multiple programs and educational, social and religious services and media projects.




Our programs are varied and multifaceted but all share the common goal of opening doors for Jewish children and families. With our extensive network, we make connections and facilitate relationships, reaching out to Jewish families everywhere with opportunities to make their Judaic heritage more personal, relevant and meaningful.


Rabbi Jacob Joseph School

Torah Education

The Rabbi Jacob Joseph School has been the Merkaz Hatorah on Staten Island since 1976. With a boys division, a girls division and a preschool, RJJ serves as the bedrock foundation for the Jewish community on Staten Island. Currently, with two campuses, the Yeshiva has several hundred students and thousands of alumni.


Reenas Bais Yaakov

Torah Education

Reenas Bais Yaakov is a Bais Yaakov high school emulating the teachings of Sarah Schneirer, ע”ה and tailored to the unique character of the Edison/Highland Park community. Our school inspires a love of תורה and,מצוות implants אמונת חכמים in its students and nurtures a mature יראת שמים and אהבת ה’ such that students have the resilience to negotiate the world in which we live. The school teaches students to understand, appreciate and take pride in the role of the Jewish woman and the primacy of her obligations to her home and family, true to the dictum of שלמה המלך,חכמת נשים בנתה ביתה.


Agudath Israel of America


Agudath Israel of America, founded in 1922 to serve as Orthodox Jewry’s umbrella organization, is the arm and voice of American Orthodox Jewry. With national and DC offices, and regional branches serving the entire country, Agudath Israel – also called Agudas Yisroel or the Agudah – advocates for its constituents at federal, state, and local levels. The Agudah and its many divisions provide social, educational, and youth services to its constituents, continuing a century-long tradition of championing the evolving needs of Orthodox Jewish life in America.


Yeshiva of Staten Island

Torah Education

Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem (MTJ) (Hebrew: מתיבתא תפארת ירושלים, Mesivta Tiferet Yerushaláyim) is a yeshiva in the Lower East Side of New York City. One of the oldest yeshivas in the city, MTJ was once led by Moshe Feinstein. A second campus, known as Yeshiva of Staten Island, is located in Staten Island, New York. The suburban campus contains a high school, college, post-college facilities and a dormitory.


Ner Isreal Rabbinical College


Yeshivas Ner Yisroel was founded in 1933 by the Rosh HaYeshiva, Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Harav Yaakov Yitzchok Ruderman zt”l, with the goal of developing a high-level, Slabodka-style yeshiva geared specifically towards the contemporary American bochur. We need you to partner with us in sustaining our Avodas Hakodesh. Be a part of strengthening and illuminating one of the Crown Jewels of the Olam Hatorah.


Support With Heart Misaskim


Misaskim is there for Klal Yisrael 365 days a year, holding their hands during the darkest moments. To better serve the community, Misaskim has opened three brand-new branches — one in Edison, N.J., another in Linden, N.J., and a third in Crown Heights, N.Y. These communities have seen tremendous growth and were each ready to welcome their own local branch.