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Daily Giving

Short Story

Just as drips of water over millennia can carve out caves and canyons, one small mitzvah multiplied several times over can move mountains as well.

Daily Giving

Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $


Just as drips of water over millennia can carve out caves and canyons, one small mitzvah multiplied several times over can move mountains as well.

That’s the belief of Dr. Jonathan Donath, a chiropractor in White Plains, New York, who got an epiphany in 2018 while dropping a dollar bill into the tzedakah box at his shul. “No matter how much money I give to charity, I still get a mitzvah every time I drop a dollar in,” he thought. “How can I guarantee that I do this mitzvah every day for a buck?”

He looked for an organization that was doing this and couldn’t find one. So, he and a couple of his friends had a website built and created a nonprofit:

At Daily Giving, we firmly believe in the extraordinary power of small acts of generosity to bring about positive change. We are a platform that promotes a simple yet impactful concept: giving at least $1 every day of the year.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, a full-time chiropractor in White Plains, NY, founded Daily Giving in 2019. Since its inception, Daily Giving has achieved remarkable milestones by harnessing the collective power of Daily Givers— making significant differences in the lives of countless individuals and families around the globe.