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The Hebrew Free Burial Association

Short Story

The Hebrew Free Burial Association (HFBA) devotes its resources to performing chesed shel emet (the ultimate act of lovingkindness- for the deceased who are unable to repay the kindness). It is the only agency in the greater New York metropolitan area dedicated to assuring that every Jew, regardless of financial means or religious affiliation, receives a dignified, traditional Jewish funeral and burial.

The Hebrew Free Burial Association

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The Hebrew Free Burial Association (HFBA) devotes its resources to performing chesed shel emet (the ultimate act of lovingkindness- for the deceased who are unable to repay the kindness). It is the only agency in the greater New York metropolitan area dedicated to assuring that every Jew, regardless of financial means or religious affiliation, receives a dignified, traditional Jewish funeral and burial.

Since its inception in the 1880’s, the Hebrew Free Burial Association has buried over 65,000 indigent Jews. They have ranged in age from newborn to the elderly, and they may meet their ends in a hospital, nursing home, lonely apartment or even on the street.

Referring Cases to Us Can Ease The Burden on You
As soon as the Hebrew Free Burial Association is notified of a death, wheels are set into motion to take responsibility of the body. Jewish law requires us to bury deceased as quickly as possible. We provide procedural guidelines on an individual basis. Our multi-lingual (English, Russian, Yiddish, Hebrew, Spanish) staff will organize all the deaths including:

Removal of the deceased from his or her current location
A Tahara is solmenly done by our chevra kadisha
Coordination with the necessary government agencies
Families Need Help Too
We provide support and comfort to grieving relatives, taking care of the sometimes overwhelming forms and paperwork related to the burial. For example, if the deceased is eligible for death benefits from the Human Resources Administration, Social Security Administration, or Veterans’ Administration, we assist in the claims process.

Time Is of the Essence
Burial rituals should begin immediately after the death. Please contact us as quickly as possible so we can make sure the body is prepared for burial in accordance with Jewish law. Our phones line are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Pre-need arrangements can be made before an individual dies, when it is clear that there in not much time left. We can also make arrangements for other situations when a person will not qualify for government benefits, but does not have sufficient funds for a funeral from a commercial funeral home.

HFBA’s obligation to those who we bury does not end after the funeral. We hold sacred the obligation that our cemeteries must be cared for and properly maintained. HFBA is proud that Mount Richmond Cemetery is kept to the highest standards. We are frequently told by funeral directors, who visit dozens of cemeteries in the tri-state area, that Mount Richmond Cemetery is one of the best kept cemeteries.

Silver Lake Cemetery is host to our Cemetery Clean-Up Project. Over 1500 volunteers visit Silver Lake annually to help us maintain and beautify the cemetery. In addition, we are in the midst of a multi-year restoration of the cemetery.

Among the many traditions associated with Yahrzeit(anniversary of a loved one’s death) , perhaps none is as significant as the recitation of the mourner’s kaddish. The recitation of kaddish in a minyan (quorum of ten men) elevates the glory of G-d in this world, and by saying kaddish on the yahrzeit of a loved one, one ensures that the deceased receives the merit of that glorification of G-d’s name.

Hebrew Free Burial Association is available to send representatives to speak at your agency or facility (nursing home, senior center, etc…). We have many years of experience speaking to staff and/or to clients about all end-of-life issues. Having a dignified end of life plan is essential to all people, regardless of faith.

Many seniors simply chose to ignore preparing for their final needs. This is a tragic mistake and one that HFBA works hard to avoid. For everyone.

In addition, HFBA attends conferences and health fairs, speaking to social workers, care managers, and other professionals about all matters relating to end of life care.