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Agudath Israel of America

Short Story

Agudath Israel of America, founded in 1922 to serve as Orthodox Jewry’s umbrella organization, is the arm and voice of American Orthodox Jewry. With national and DC offices, and regional branches serving the entire country, Agudath Israel – also called Agudas Yisroel or the Agudah – advocates for its constituents at federal, state, and local levels. The Agudah and its many divisions provide social, educational, and youth services to its constituents, continuing a century-long tradition of championing the evolving needs of Orthodox Jewish life in America.

Agudath Israel of America

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Agudath Israel of America, founded in 1922 to serve as Orthodox Jewry’s umbrella organization, is the arm and voice of American Orthodox Jewry. With national and DC offices, and regional branches serving the entire country, Agudath Israel – also called Agudas Yisroel or the Agudah – advocates for its constituents at federal, state, and local levels. The Agudah and its many divisions provide social, educational, and youth services to its constituents, continuing a century-long tradition of championing the evolving needs of Orthodox Jewish life in America.

Since its inception, Agudath Israel of America has operated under the guidance and ongoing involvement of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America, the Council of Torah Sages. Agudath Israel of America is keenly attuned to the American Jewish community’s challenges and triumphs, and has helped our communities grow, thrive, and advance through changing times.

Our many divisions, branches, and activities include:

Agudah Legal – leverages our lawyers’ network and legal training to protect the collective and individual rights, and further the interests of, Orthodox Jews in America.

Agudah Convention – an annual gathering hosted by the Agudah to address contemporary issues and challenges and give direction for Orthodox Jewish life.

Agudath Israel World Organization (American Office) – represents Orthodox Jewish interests in the United Nations, in reparation and restitution for Holocaust survivors, the protection of Jewish sacred sites, and safeguarding Torah values.

Agudist Benevolent Society – is a burial society and free loan organization.

Bnos – unites school-age girls on the local and national levels through group events and programs such as Bnos Bikur Cholim, in which girls visit homebound senior citizens, and Bnos One-­on-­One, a big sister program for high school girls.

Chayim Aruchim – helps our community make culturally sensitive health care decisions according to Jewish law, and advocates for critically ill patients in hospitals and with lawmakers.

Conference of Shul Rabbonim/ Midwest Conference of Synagogue Rabbonim – organizes synagogue rabbis across the continent for consultation and for strengthening Torah values and practice.

Constituent Services – aids individuals in need of guidance, especially in the areas of social services and navigating government bureaucracy.

Daf Yomi Commission – supports Daf Yomi study and teaching and hosts the Global Siyum HaShas of Daf Yomi (see below).

Disaster Relief Fund – supplies much needed aid when disaster or tragedy strike Jewish communities around the world.

Employment, Education, and Training

COPE Education Services – provides culturally sensitive business and technical training in bookkeeping, accounting, and related fields, for the Orthodox community.

Agudath Israel’s Professional Career Services (PCS) – is a job placement and education organization. The education arm offers courses and degree programs in accounting, software and web development, real estate, property management, Amazon sales, online marketing, and IT and networking.

Jewish Education Program (JEP) – brings basic Judaic knowledge to children and adults.

Ki Heim Chayeinu – promotes Torah learning and values in the day-to-day life of the Orthodox Jew.

KnowUs – corrects the record about yeshiva education and the Hasidic & Orthodox Jewish communities.

Lefkowitz Leadership Initiative – encourages community involvement and leadership development for up-and-coming community activists in aid of the Orthodox community.

Masmidei HaSiyum – uses the Siyum HaShas celebration as an impetus for greater engagement in Torah studies for school-age boys.

Minchah Minyan Map – provides up-to-date minchah times and locations for the New York metropolitan area.

N’shei Agudath Israel – is Agudah’s women’s division, which publishes the annual Tehillim calendar and coordinates programs for women.

Pirchei – inspires and educates school-age boys with programming and positive role models.

Project LEARN – improves and increases special education services and funding through advocacy and by assisting parents to obtain services for their special-needs children.

Publications Department – publishes and distributes an array of resources produced by Agudath Israel.

SBCO – the Southern Brooklyn Community Organization provides housing for low- and moderate-income residents in Brooklyn neighborhoods.

Senior Citizens Programs – the Commission on Senior Citizens sponsors three centers that offer meals, social services, recreational activities, and cultural events for senior citizens.

Simchas Chava- is a musical visitation program for seriously ill children who are hospitalized or homebound.

Siyum HaShas – the Agudah hosts the global celebration of the completion of the Daf Yomi cycle every 7 ½ years.

Summer Camps – the Agudah family of camps serves thousands of children each summer with ten camps across North America.

The Fresh Start Program – is an employment readiness program for displaced homemakers who, due to changing family circumstances, require training to re-enter the workforce.

The National Orthodox Jewish Archives – is a unique repository of documents, publications and photographs relating to the history of Orthodox Jewry and Agudath Israel in the United States.

The Office of Public Affairs – ensures that the authentic Torah viewpoint is faithfully and fairly represented in the media.

The Overseas Passover Campaign – provides matzos and kosher for Pesach food to needy Jews in Russia and other countries.

Torah Projects Commission – leads the Agudah’s efforts in strengthening and spreading Torah learning.

Washington Office – our voice in the nation’s capital, the office advocates for security, religious liberty, legislation, and the welfare of the Orthodox Jewish community.

Yahalom- helps parents of special needs children obtain the appropriate resources by guiding, educating, and empowering them to ensure they have the help and support they need.

Yeshiva Services – liaises with government for, advocates on behalf of, and provides support to, Orthodox Jewish schools.

Zahav – Zahav aims to help seniors and their families, answer their questions, and guide them to ensure they are equipped with all the necessary information they need to access life-enhancing services and programs.

Zichron Kedoshim – memorializes the names of Jews who perished in the Holocaust.